In this episode, I give you more interview excerpts from off of the cutting room floor, such as Zachary Moore gives his favorite evidence of evolution that’s not relevant to molecular genetics (episode 43), why Rosie Redfield thinks it’s important for scientists to blog (epsd 42), what Sean B Carroll thinks are some of the under-appreciated qualities of Charles Darwin (epsd 46), and what Barbara Oakley thinks is the hardest part of writing about technical science for the general public (episode 40). And of course, we include a few funny clips, both of which occur in episode 44 & 45, when Peggy Nelson seems to ironically preface a drop-out in the conversation…listen carefully.
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In this episode, I give you more interview excerpts from off of the cutting room floor, such as when I asked Mark Stevenson about nanotechnology, as well as how it felt interviewing the great minds in science (epsd 32), why the articles about imagination and creativity are amongst Maria Konnikova’s favorites in her Lessons From Sherlock Holmes series (epsd 38), and comedian Jill Twiss about differences between theater and stand-up (epsd 33), and of course, some bloopers and a tangential aside about cake-baking.
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If you enjoy this podcast, please consider ‘liking’ the Critical Wit page on Facebook and/or give it a rating in iTunes. You can also follow Critical Wit on Twitter @TheCriticalWit. Thanks!
Maria Konnikova is a writer, doctoral candidate, and blogger at Scientific American. She has recently finished a series called “Lessons of Sherlock Holmes” – a chronicle that explores how examples from the fictional detective stories can help provide insight into not only how humans think, but also, how we should think. You can subscribe to Maria’s SciAm blog, called ‘Literally Psyched’, and bookmark her website: And you can follow her on Twitter @mkonnikova.
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