Critical Wit #58 – The Science Fund Challenge: How the Public Can Finance Science

Zen Faulkes is an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Texas-Pan American and science communicator at the blog, Neurodojo. In this episode, guest host Sophie Bushwick talks with Zen about another project that he’s working on – the SciFund Challenge. The SciFund Challenge is an organization of scientists who pitch their ideas for science research to the public in the hopes of raising money through small donations. You can visit to find out what projects are listed, of which you can donate to seeing it come to fruition. In fact, Zen has a project listed with a modest goal of $750. It’s called “Beach of the Goliath Crabs.” Donate soon, as the challenge ends on May 31st! Zen’s blog can be found at And you can follow him on twitter @DoctorZen.
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